"An Evening of Grace" by Peggy Beatrice Foundation
GWF was very proud to volunteer at "An Evening of Grace" event by the Peggy Beatrice Foundation. They pampered some very special women of LA to makeovers. Some of the women invited were in transitional housing, battered or homeless. After being pampered, the women were treated to a beautiful dinner and showered with gifts. The Evening of Grace event was a success.
Visit their website www.peggybeatricefounation.org to find out what great things are doing for your community.
"Be Your Own Boss" by Inner City Youth Empowerment
GWF was proud to volunteer at the "Be Your Own Boss" Youth Entrepreneur Conference, presented by Inner City Youth Empowerment and C.U.S.P (Committed to Uplifting Single Parents). These young moguls were ready to learn. Please www.cusporg.org to see what they are doing in your community.
12th Annual Inner City Mini-Marathon & Health Festival for Sickle Cell Awareness
We love to serve our community. GWF volunteered at the 12th Annual Inner City Mini-Marathon & Health Festival for to raise awareness for Sickle Cell Anemia. Event produced by City Lites Network, Inc. You can visit them at http://www.citylitesnetworkinc.org to see what they have done for the city of Los Angeles.
Inner Beauty Pageant, Los Angeles
GWF was proud to volunteer at the Inner Beauty Pageant in Los Angeles. This event allowed girls and teens from the LA community and foster care system compete in a inner beauty pageant where they learned public speaking skills, confidence and to appreciate their inner beauty and talents.